2JPEG is the advanced image conversion software that helps IT professionals solve any image processing tasks. 2JPEG works quickly and accurately thanks to using highly scientific image processing algorithms developed and optimized by fCoder SIA engineers.
Commercial license lets the users install, activate and run 2JPEG on the number of Windows user accounts corresponding to the number of purchased licenses. Volume discounts are available if the number of purchased licenses are 5 or more.
Site license allows corporate users to install and run 2JPEG software on any number of laptops, workstations and servers in all company offices. Site license costs 7,450 USD.
Order Site License now!
This license allows software developers to include 2JPEG features into their own software installation kit and distribute it without any limitations. Developer license costs 10,000 USD.
Order Developer License now!
We provide special price for educational institutions, governmental and nonprofit organizations. Please contact our customer support to get a quote or if you have any other question about licensing.
Online payments and transactions are securely processed by Digital River and processed instantly. Available payment methods are: PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, WebMoney, Checks, Wire transfer, Purchase order, etc.
If none of the offered payment methods is suitable for you for any reason or if you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We will try to come up with a solution.
All prices are fixed in US dollars. Payments in other currencies are possible and will be based on current exchange rate.
Commercial license is delivered electronically by email. It contains license serial key and commercial version download link if needed.
We provide lifetime license and free updates within major release. There is no any maintenance fee and we offer free support service.