List of Supported File Formats

2JPEG software can convert various file types to JPG via the command line interface. It supports over 110 file types (about 275 file extensions). 2JPEG can convert almost any existing document or image format to TIFF, including many common and unusual formats.

Most file formats are converted using 2JPEG's internal engine – you won't need any additional software to do the job. For some formats, however, you will need to install an application capable of opening that format. Please refer to the "Required Software" column below to find out exactly what additional software may be required.

Full list of image and document files 2JPEG can process:

ExtensionDescriptionRequired software
JPEG, JPGJpeg ImageInternal engine
TIFF, TIFTiff ImageInternal engine
GIFCompuserve GIFInternal engine
PNGPortable Network GraphicInternal engine
MNGMultiple Network GraphicInternal engine
JNGJPEG Network GraphicInternal engine
TGATruevision TargaInternal engine
PCXZSoft PaintbrushInternal engine
DCXMultipage PCXInternal engine
BMP, DIBWindows BitmapInternal engine
PDF, PDF PortfolioAdobe Acrobat DocumentInternal engine
XPSMicrosoft XPSInternal engine
PBMPortable BitmapInternal engine
PGMPortable GraymapInternal engine
PPMPortable PixelmapInternal engine
PFMPortable FloatmapInternal engine
PAMPortable AnymapInternal engine
PIC, HDR, RGBE, XYZEHDR RadianceInternal engine
JXRJpeg XR/HD PhotoInternal engine
FPXFlashPix imagesInternal engine
ANIWindows Animated CursorInternal engine
ICOWindows IconInternal engine
CURWindows CursorInternal engine
CLPWindows ClipboardInternal engine
PCDKodak Photo CDInternal engine
EMS, EMA, WBM, WBMPWireless Mono BitmapInternal engine
IMGGEM Raster ImageInternal engine
IFFAmiga Interchange File FormatInternal engine
RASSUN Raster FileInternal engine
SGISilicon Graphics ImageInternal engine
XBMX11 bitmapInternal engine
XPMX11 pixmapInternal engine
PSDAdobe PhotoshopInternal engine
PSPPaint Shop Pro FileInternal engine
RLEUtah RLE raster + Compuserve RLEInternal engine
CUTDr. HaloInternal engine
OTANokia Logo BitmapInternal engine
J2KJPEG 2000Internal engine
RAWRAW pixel formatInternal engine
JBIGJBIG Joint Bi-level Image experts GroupInternal engine
JBG2JBIG Joint Bi-level Image experts Group version 2Internal engine
PIXAlias/Wavefront PIXInternal engine
RLAWavefront RLAInternal engine
DCMDICOM medical imageInternal engine
MSPMicrosoft PaintInternal engine
MACMacDraw FormatInternal engine
VICVicar rasterfile formatInternal engine
KOAKoala PaintInternal engine
XWDX Windows system dumpInternal engine
PDBPalm PilotInternal engine
CALSCALS RasterEDrawings Viewer
SFFStructure Fax FormatInternal engine
SFWSeattle FilmWorks ImageInternal engine
FXMSymantec WinFax FormatInternal engine
G3Group3 Fax FomatInternal engine
G4Group4 Fax FomatInternal engine
IOCAImage Object Content Architecture FormatInternal engine
DPXCineon Image File FormatInternal engine
PICSoftimage PIC + Biorad confocal image + Psion series 3 bitmapInternal engine
AT&T / Multigen ICNAT&T / Multigen ICNInternal engine
DDSDirect Draw SurfaceInternal engine
EXROpen EXRInternal engine
DCRDigital Camera RawInternal engine
WBCWEBShots File FormatInternal engine
SCTScitex CTInternal engine
PXRPixar pictureInternal engine
PVRNEC PowerVR textureInternal engine
MTVMTV RaytracerInternal engine
PICTMacintosh pictureInternal engine
WMFWindows Metafile + Aldus Metafile + Enhanced Metafile + Gdiplus MetafileInternal engine
WPGWordPerfect GraphicInternal engine
WPDWordPerfect documentsMicrosoft Office 2007 SP2 / Corel WordPerfect Office
SNPMicrosoft Access SNAP fileInternal engine
RAW and othersPhoto Camera RAW filesInternal engine
HTML, HTMHtml DocumentInternal engine
TXTPlain textMicrosoft Office 2007 SP2 / Internal engine
RTFRich textInternal engine
DOC, DOCXMicrosoft WordInternal engine
XLS, XLSX and XLSMMicrosoft ExcelInternal engine
PPT, PPTX, PPS and PPSXMicrosoft PowerPointMicrosoft Office 2007 SP2 or Open Office or Libre Office
VSD and VSDXMicrosoft VisioMicrosoft Office Visio 2010
PUBMicrosoft PublisherMicrosoft Office Publisher 2007 SP2
PS, EPSPostScriptGhostScript
CGMCGM image filesCorelDRAW
HEIC, HEIFiPhone HEIC imagesWindows 10 (or newer), additional software
WEBPWebP File Format (.webp)Internal engine
ICSiCalendar FileMicrosoft Outlook
INDD, INDP, IDAP, INDT, INDL, INX, IDML, QXD, QXT, INDBAdobe InDesign FilesAdobe InDesign
EML, MSGMicrosoft Outlook MessageInternal engine
EMLXApple Email File FormatInternal engine